Find alternatives to natural grass, a large consumer of water

The lawn needs lots of water to survive, alternatives and more visually attractive gr
Replace the natural turf artificial turf can save up to 10 l / day per square meter.

There are alternatives to grass much more environmentally friendly such as:

  • Native Shrubs

  • Stones or gravel

  • Peel tree

  • Ceramic floor or pavement

  • Plant ground cover

If you do not give up its natural grass, not water never when you´re giving the sun and search methods and drip irrigation system.

Save Water Garden

Take advantage of the rainwater.

Any container or mechanism is valid, although we recommend the installation of pool or pit for storing excess water from the rain for later use for irrigation.

Always choose native plants.

Native plants in your region can better resist drought and are prepared to survive better in natural aquatic resources. buscar

Water the plants in hours where the sun do not.

Irrigation made during Hotas sun will cause evaporation of the water, the evaporated water is not utilized by the plant.

Save Water

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